Low Cost Youth Beanies

Promoting youth clothing security is core to the Nord Coast Mission. Many kids experiencing clothing insecurity do not live near any of our beanie donation partners. For this reason, we provide a limited selection of our Classic Nord Coast Beanies online for only one dollar. This is part of our One-for-One program.

This offering is for low-income households. If you are able to pay full price, please do so (full price beanies). Supplies are very limited at this price. Please be honest with your purchase.

One-For-One Youth Beanie Program

Let’s face it.  It’s cold here.  We are committed to improving youth clothing securityin the Great Lakes region bydonating one youth beanie for every Nord Coast beanie sold.  Our goal is to donate ten thousand USA-made beanies by 2025.  Our 2023 giving partner is Chicago’s Cradles to Crayons.  If you know of any other awesome organizations, please tell us.   We’d love to support them.